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Teaching and research
To train professional experts in Injury prevention & control
To develop Taiwan’s injury prevention policies and promote its importance
Teaching Features
The Injury prevention and control is a combinational professional fields which connects a variety of specialties. Including epidemiology, biostatistics, public health, brain neurosurgery, general surgery, emergency medicine, disaster medicine, rehabilitation medicine, transportation and education psychology.
Master:Including the research methods, statistical analysis, public health, injury epidemiology, disaster medicine, road traffic and safety, accident analysis & injury prevention
Ph.D:Combined with clinical and basic research methods to continuing the foundation of master training.
Field of research
1.Public health
- Epidemiology of injury: Investigate of various injuries (such as car accidents, falls, sports injuries, drowning, suicide, occupational injuries, etc.)
- Mechanisms of injury: Medical engineering, incident system...
- The economic losses caused by injury: Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) and Working Years of Potential Life Lost (WYPLL)
2.Clinical medicine
Aviation medicine, neurosurgery, severe medicine, emergency medicine, rehabilitation medicine
3.Social science
- Rehabilitation, psychological and sociological aspects after injury.
- The policies and laws about injusy prevention. Ex. Law on motorcycle helmet use mandated.