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Teaching and research

  • To train professional experts in Injury prevention & control

  • ​To develop Taiwan’s injury prevention policies and promote its importance 

Teaching Features
  1. The Injury prevention and control is a combinational professional fields which connects a variety of specialties. Including epidemiology, biostatistics, public health, brain neurosurgery, general surgery, emergency medicine, disaster medicine, rehabilitation medicine, transportation and education psychology.

  2. Master:Including the research methods, statistical analysis, public health, injury epidemiology, disaster medicine, road traffic and safety, accident analysis & injury prevention

  3. Ph.D:Combined with clinical and basic research methods to continuing the foundation of master training.


Field of research

1.Public health

  1. Epidemiology of injury: Investigate of various injuries (such as car accidents, falls, sports injuries, drowning, suicide, occupational injuries, etc.)
  2. Mechanisms of injury: Medical engineering, incident system...
  3. The economic losses caused by injury: Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) and Working Years of Potential Life Lost (WYPLL) 

2.Clinical medicine
     Aviation medicine, neurosurgery, severe medicine, emergency medicine, rehabilitation medicine


3.Social science

  1. Rehabilitation, psychological and sociological aspects after injury.
  2. The policies and laws about injusy prevention. Ex. Law on motorcycle helmet use mandated.