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Study Chart for Master program - Registration to Graduation
Process Due Date Note Related Form
August   Check the information from Office of Global Engagement
September Complete and return the Student Information Form. Student Information of Graduate Institute of Injury Prevention and Control, TMU
Course Selection According to school calendar 1.According to school calendar.
2.Checking the detail on theDegree RequirementsandList of Courses.
Academic Affairs Information System
Advisor confirmed By the end of 1st Semester 1.Before the end of first semester, students required to identify a professor to be your thesis advisor; an application form must be filled out and approved by the Director.
2.If you need to change an advisor during the school year, please submit the " Application Form for Changing Advisor ".
Application form for Thesis Advisor
Application Form for Changing Advisor
Apply Thesis Defense
According to school calendar
(Around Oct. or April)
1.The 4th semester.
2.Get advisor’s permission to propose your thesis defense.
3.Apply for Graduate Degree Exam Application System.
Thesis Structure of Graduate Institute of Injury Prevention and Control, TMU
Academic Affairs Information System
Thesis Defense According to school calendar 1.According to graduation timetable from Office of Academic Affairs
2.Prepared the thesis and document for presentation.
3.Finish and give the thesis to committee one week before presentation.
Submit thesis defense report and related documents
Important Date
Related documents submitted to program office within 3 days after the presentation.

Bound thesis(draft) submitted to program office within 2 weeks after the presentation.
1.According to graduation timetable from Office of Academic Affairs.
2.Submit thesis defense report and related documents to the program office.
Documents submitted to program office for checking:

(1)Grading Forms
(2)Bound thesis
(3)Evaluation form
(4)Confidentiality agreement & sing-in Form
(5)Thesis publication agreement
Befor complete TMU graduation procedures , student should prepared one hardcover of thesis(Black with golden words) to program office.
Submit to library   Upload the electronic copy of the thesis to TMU library website. Electronic thesis Service
School Graduation Procedure By the end of Semester Check the information form on the Graduation Form.