Planning the Future of Environmental Health Sciences

  • 2024-05-14
  • Admin Admin
本次特別邀請到重量級學者  美國國家衞生研究院(NIH)環境衞生研究院 Dr. Richard Woychik院長 蒞校演講
NIEHS conducts and supports environmental health sciences in alignment with real-world public health needs and translates scientific findings into knowledge that can inform real-life individual and public health outcomes. “Innovation has been a hallmark of Rick’s scientific career and it’s at the center of his vision for leading NIEHS,” said Dr. Collins. “He will be working to support new technologies and scientific approaches throughout the field of environmental health sciences – applying his proven skills in scientific excellence, creativity, and rigor to improving public health.”
Woychik is highly respected for a long list of accomplishments in mammalian genetics and environmental epigenetics. His laboratory was the first to identify a gene associated with polycystic kidney disease, the first to connect a protocadherin gene ultimately linked to hearing loss in Cushing’s disease patients, and the first to clone an obesity-related gene called agouti.


講題:「Planning the Future of Environmental Health Sciences」

講者:美國國家衞生研究院(NIH)環境衞生研究院 Dr. Richard Woychik院長
地點:(信義校區)醫學綜合大樓後棟16樓 胡水旺國際會議廳

: 「Planning the Future of Environmental Health Sciences
: Rick Woychik, Ph.D., Director, NIEHS & NTP and Principal Investigator
: 22nd May., 2024 (Wed.) 10:00-11:30
:(Xinyi Campus) International Conference Hall, 16F, Comprehensive Medical Building(Rear Building


※請務必事先報名Please must register in advance
※報名截止日期:113年05月21日(二) 12:00
※Registration website:
※Deadline: 21st May., 2024 (Tue.) 12:00


※Participant:Faculties and students
※Organizer:TMU Office of Research and Development
※Contact Person:Tracy